Original meanings of world currency names

There are Original meanings of world currency names. Countries around the world have different languages ​​and cultures. Due to cultural differences, the currencies used in these lands also have different names. This article will show you why there are so many different names for these currencies. Please read as knowledge…

1. Dollar

The dollar is the currency used by many countries in the world. United States Australia Canada Fiji new Zealand, The currency of many countries, including Singapore, has the word dollar. shwekhitonlinetv.com

According to OxfordWords, the word “Joachimsthaler” originated in northern and western Belgian-speaking ethnic groups. The word “Hua” was later changed to “carry”. From there, the sound came to be known as the dollar, as it is today.

2. Peso

Peso means “weight” in Spanish.

3. Lira

The currency name Lira, used in Italy and Turkey, is derived from the Latin word “Libra”, meaning “pound“.

4. Mark

Before the use of the euro as a common currency, the Germans (Deutsche Mark); Finland used Markka money. Both names are words that refer to weight.

5. Rial

The Latin word regalis, which means royal, is derived from the riel currency used in Oman and Iran. Qatar Saudi Arabia, The riyal currency used in Yemen also means royal. The Spaniards also used the so-called Reals before the euro.

6. Rand

Similar to the history of the dollar, South African currency “Yan” originated in the South African gold mining town of Witwatersrand. The town is named after him in Dutch.

7. Chinese Yuan Japanese Yen Korean Won

In Chinese, the word yuan means round. Japanese Yen The Korean Won has similar meanings.

8. Crown

Norway The currency used in the northern European countries of Scandinavia, including Sweden, is derived from the Latin word “corona”. Sweden’s Krona Norway’s Knone Krone of Denmark; Krona of Iceland; Estonia’s kroon (now the Euro); The koruna of the Czech Republic is also derived from the Latin word corona, which means crown.

9. Dinar

Jordan Algeria Serbia The Kuwaiti currency called the dinar. The word dinar derived from the Latin word for denarius, denarius.

10. Rupee

In Sanskrit, rupee refers to a piece of silver. That is why India, In Pakistan, the currency called the rupee. In Indonesia it also called rupiah.

11. Pound

The British pound derived from the Latin word poundus, which means weight. Therefore, Egypt Lebanon South Sudan In Syria, only the pound used.

12. Ruble

The ruble of Russia and Belarus also derived from a word that refers to the weight of a coin.

13. Forint

The Hungarian exchange rate derived from the Italian word fiorino. So, it means a gold coin from Florence.

14. Ringgit

When minting, the uneven edges scraped off and the circle smoothed. Therefore, the thieves collected the coins and stole the coins. To solve this problem, many countries made coins with rough edges. In Malay, the word “ringgit” used for roughness and roughness. The same word became used to refer to a coin with rough edges.

Here’s a few basic facts about a stomp pad and how it used in some of the world’s major currencies (world currency names).