There are so many “Platforms for Learning Computer Science”. The field of computer science is expanding more than ever before, and internationally, artificial intelligence, Children in Myanmar need to understand the basics of Computer Science from an early age, as they are already doing machine learning. You need to get used to programming.
Abroad, children are introduced to computer science as a subject starting in middle school. By high school, students are learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You already know how to write a good website. However, due to the deteriorating education system in our country, children still have access to computer science. (computer science salary)
In the past, access to computer science was not a big problem for children in Myanmar, but now, as we enter the 21st century, 2021 is a problem. Here are some simple online learning platforms for kids in Myanmar to learn useful computer science online with their parents during their school holidays. (computer science salary)
(1) Code org
org is a small platform. Some of you may already know Code org. Code org is one of the most popular websites today, offering free coding classes for kids. This platform also categorizes courses according to the age of the children, so you can choose the course that suits you. Each course also has sub-lessons that allow children to learn computer science and basic knowledge with games. (computer science salary)
It’s sure to be interesting as it includes complete, well-understood and easy-to-understand tutorial videos. Each course will take about 15-20 hours. Each course has different games (Example Game – Star War; Minecraft Maze Game Ice Age Angry Birds etc.) is included so that children can understand the basics of Computer Science while playing games without getting bored.
In addition, some of the tutorial videos feature famous computer scientists such as Bill Gate, Children like Mark Zuckerberg have been taught computer science by themselves, so children are already learning their ideas. Once you have signed up for the first website, you will be able to see the website structure.
You can now start seeing games. Code org starts with programming basics for young children, followed by HTML, CSS Contains courses that allow you to create custom apps and websites using JS. Internationally, Code org can be taught to children as young as 4 years old, but children in Myanmar think it can be learned from primary school age.
(2) MIT Scratch
MIT created this learning platform, a well-known university in the United States. Kids will learn about Scratch on this platform. Let me first tell you a little bit about what Scratch is. Scratch is a block based visual programming language. Simply put, you have to follow the block. It is a programming language specifically designed for young children to learn programming codes. (linkedin learning)
The children as young as 7 years old can learn scratch. Learning Scratch at an early age can increase children’s creativity, understand the sequence of a program, and improve problem-solving skills. That’s why in a country like the USA, children Scratch taught at a young age. MIT Scratch Scratch Course is a 100% free course, so it is a simple Drag And Drop Coding Language that taught to children at home without having to pay. For more information, please visit their website. (linkedin learning)
(3) Tinkercad
The name of this platform is Tinkercad. Tinker in Burmese means “trick” and cad stands for Computer Aided Program. Therefore, if you translate Tinkercad into a computer-aided program. Code org and MIT Scratch, mentioned last week, guaranteed to be perfect leaning platforms. But my favorite is Tinkercad. Tinkercad is a free 3D modeling program that runs on web browsers. A former Google engineer created it and has been around since 2011, so it is definitely a modern learning platform. (learning express)
Tinkercad is appealing to children because of its 3D graphic design. It consists of two main sections: 3D Designs and Circuits. In 3D Design, you can create your own 3D Shapes to enhance your children’s creativity. In the circuit section, children will learn about circuitry as well. You can also learn Arduino skills from the basics. This section is about Battery. Resistors About Wiring You can also learn about the structure of the Arduino UNO. Tinkercad’s simulation graphics are so good that kids will love them. (learning express)
The rest of the platforms will display their names and website URLs.
(4) CodeCombat
(5) Blockly
Apple Company Developed it and has a great UI. However, it can used on iOS devices such as iPad and Mac.
(7) SoloLearn
(8) Scratch Junior
You can read more about education related post in this here. (learning express) (linkedin learning)