Who should not drink Detox Water?

Who should not drink Detox Water? Detox is something that has become popular among people who want to lose weight. Detox is a good way to remove toxins from the body, so everyone likes to do Detox. But Detox is about what people should do and what people shouldn’t do. Let’s take a look at Dr. Tsumyat Thazin, a nutrition specialist, to learn how to choose the right method for you.

Basic ways to make Detox Water 

  • Made with natural green tea;
  • Made with natural fruits,
  • Drinking ready-to-drink juice packs.

Benefits of Detox

  • Removing toxins from the body,
  • Living well,
  • weight loss
  • The stomach and intestines become healthy.

What kind of people should detox?

Detox has become quite popular among young people now, and some of them do it every week. They do it every month. As normal healthy people between the ages of 18 and 65, if there is no major disease, they can do Detox.

Those who are suitable for detox

  • Those who are tired in everyday life
  • People who do not sleep well at night
  • People who sweat a lot on the body
  • People with skin allergies

By drinking Detox water, these people clear the toxins from the body and reduce the current symptoms.

Which method is best when making Detox Water?

It depends on the response of your body and the digestive tract. If you are a stomach disease sufferer, you must not add sour fruits when doing detox. As you are a person who lacks nutrients, you should think about adding fruits that provide nutrients when you drink Detox Water. If you have an eating disorder, you should drink it after consulting a nutritionist. (lemon water detox) (detox water recipes)

Who should not detox?

Detox means removing toxins from the body, but it is not suitable for everyone. If you tell people who shouldn’t detox

  • People with diabetes

Detoxes are mostly made with vegetables, so there is concern that if you drink a lot of these, you will not be able to control your diabetes. In the long run, meat, Since it is low in fat, it can lead to nutritional deficiencies, so diabetics should not do it.

  • People with kidney disease

People with kidney stones are usually able to control their hydration. Since the nature of detox is to drink a lot of water, people with kidney disease should not do it because drinking a lot of water can cause bloating.

  • People with stomach disease 

Some Detox Waters are based on sour fruits. If a gastroenterologist drinks these, stomach inflammation, Nausea may occur.

Is Detox Water something you should drink long-term?

The food they eat every day often contains things that can be toxic to the body. Because we eat every day, toxins accumulate in the body. Before this happens, it is more beneficial to detox from time to time. But you don’t need to drink Detox Water for a long period of two weeks (or even a month). If you have been drinking Detox Water for about 4-5 days, the toxins in the body have been cleared, and the body is renewed. Once you can move around normally, you can stop drinking Detox.

“Drink Detox Water three days a week or twice a month. “You don’t need to drink it for a long time,” said Dr. Soo Myat Thazin, a doctor specializing in nutrition. (lemon water detox) (detox water recipes)